Baby Dustin
Little Dustin Orval was born 4/23 @ 4:20 pm. It was another 24 hour labor but he came out in three pushes :) He weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz and was 21 inches long. He has already grown to weigh over 8 lbs now and is super cute. He is a great eater and sleeper. Lily love to give him kisses.... well attack him with kisses hehehe She calls him baby. She is learning alot more words and loves you tell people funny stories, even though she is the only one who understands them. She loves shoes and Daddy still. She is becoming very independent(well she thinks so) and does not like to sleep.
Well we are getting ready for baby number two! Little Dustin wanted to come out into the world today, but I wouldn't let him. It's to soon. We still have 6 weeks left. Nathan's cousin and Ryan/Erin gave us a ton of boy clothes! So we are totally set until Dustin is 9 months old :) I'm so happy but I have alot of clothes for this kid; well both kids! Man they sure have alot of stuff for being so dang small. Right now, Lily is jumping, climbing, and doing soommersalts!!!! It's sooo fun! And she knows just how cute she is each time she does it. We are determined to get her in little gymnastics/cheerleading classes when she's two. Nathan is still at Ckoe, but just got a 2.2% raise! Me, I'm barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen everyday and I love it.
These are Chirstmas time photos. Don't wanna add them all cause there are way to many.
This is her horseee that she got. She loves this thing! We tied a rope to it and pull her around the block. Much more fun then a stroller :)

This is her horseee that she got. She loves this thing! We tied a rope to it and pull her around the block. Much more fun then a stroller :)
Its been over a year since I have done anything to my blog, so I thought I'd get it a retry :)
This is Lily's first play in the snow during the winter. She was frozen from head to toe but could've cared less
Hey, I want to share morem pictures with everyone. If you don't receive an e-mail from me today 1/19/07 then e-mail your address at super_edna2@hotmail.com
Love, JEnn
Love, JEnn
Lily is now 9 lbs 4 oz. 22 1/4 inches long
She is a growing girl. She smiles and giggles alot more now. We tickle her feet and she smiles, it's so cute. I love dressing her in relaly cute clothes and showing her off. she's pretty much the cutest baby ever (and I'm not just saying that cause I'm her mother, it's true).
Nathanloves to hold her and he always makes she he kisses us both good morning and good night. I love it! She's a really good sleeper, especially at night! :) it's very nice of her.
She is a growing girl. She smiles and giggles alot more now. We tickle her feet and she smiles, it's so cute. I love dressing her in relaly cute clothes and showing her off. she's pretty much the cutest baby ever (and I'm not just saying that cause I'm her mother, it's true).
Nathanloves to hold her and he always makes she he kisses us both good morning and good night. I love it! She's a really good sleeper, especially at night! :) it's very nice of her.
Hey everyone!
Here's what's going on in our lives. Nathan is working and is on a soccor team. They have their last game this week, but its not to sad cause its cold outside when he's playing :) I we won't mind staying warm. I have 7 weeks left until the baby is suppose to come; can't hardly wait. She likes to kick me -ALOT- and it hurts sometimes. I have gestational diabetes so we are hoping that with my new diet we can help prevent a big baby and a C-section. I still can eat cheese and drink diet soda, so I'll be ok; plus this will help me lose the pregnany weight faster! YAH!!!!
I am becoming really creative with my apartmentand making everything fit. You'd be amazed at the amountof stuff 2 1/2 people can have. I'd like to have a garage sale and get ride of random things, but Nathan isn't excited about the idea, so we'll see.
If you don't know the baby is to be a girl names Lily Sue :) She due date is Nov. 30th, but babies never come on their due dates so that my little survey on the homepage :)
Here's what's going on in our lives. Nathan is working and is on a soccor team. They have their last game this week, but its not to sad cause its cold outside when he's playing :) I we won't mind staying warm. I have 7 weeks left until the baby is suppose to come; can't hardly wait. She likes to kick me -ALOT- and it hurts sometimes. I have gestational diabetes so we are hoping that with my new diet we can help prevent a big baby and a C-section. I still can eat cheese and drink diet soda, so I'll be ok; plus this will help me lose the pregnany weight faster! YAH!!!!
I am becoming really creative with my apartmentand making everything fit. You'd be amazed at the amountof stuff 2 1/2 people can have. I'd like to have a garage sale and get ride of random things, but Nathan isn't excited about the idea, so we'll see.
If you don't know the baby is to be a girl names Lily Sue :) She due date is Nov. 30th, but babies never come on their due dates so that my little survey on the homepage :)
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